This is the best coffee I've ever had. Smooth, strong, and low acid. I picked up a vintage Sunbeam Coffeemaster vacuum brewer, and it makes the coffee even better. All steel, no paper filters needed. A bit more effort to clean, since the grounds are not contained so you have to scoop them out into the trash, but soooo worth it. Since they are vintage, they are also made much better than today's coffee makers. Quality and built to last. It does take 12 - 14 minutes to complete the brewing cycle, so get a timer or remote control to turn it on in the morning. You can find Coffeemasters on ebay. If the gasket between the two pots is bad, sells replacements. You won't be sorry if you get a Coffeemaster! Google "Sunbeam Coffeemaster" for more info on why they are so great!