Without explanation, forewarning, or apology; whether a coffe shop owner, coffe afficianado, or some goofball postman I'veknown for many years: Every one I have ever prepared an espresso of Hausbrandt Gourmet has literally tasted, suddenly paused, took a second sip and asaked to see the bag of beans. The next question is always, with a sight inward gasp, where did you get this coffee. From Trieste, Italy, I answer. They reply:This is the best6 coffe I have ever tasted. I am not kidding!. Of course every one has differnt preferences, But, you have got to taste Hausbrandt coffe at least once in your life. By the way, I am genetically about 2% Greek, 2% German, and all the rest, 96% North Central Italiano. My people would have been cxitizens of the Empire. Buona Fortuna Mia Amico! Enjoy Beter Coffee, Ciao!